How to Add Custom styles to WordPress Backend (CSS/JS)

How to Add Custom styles to WordPress Backend (CSS/JS)


Looking to give your WordPress admin area a makeover? Custom styles and interactive popups can transform the backend experience, making it more intuitive and visually appealing. This guide walks you through a simple yet powerful code snippet that brings a fresh look to your WordPress admin, especially for custom post types or specific screens.

Enhancing WordPress Admin: A Simple How-To

Imagine giving your WordPress dashboard a more personalized touch, making it not only functional but also a pleasure to work with. Here’s a practical code snippet that does exactly that, and we’ll dissect it together to understand how each part contributes to the makeover.

The Complete Code Snippet:

function my_custom_admin_styles() {
    $current_screen = get_current_screen();
    if ($current_screen->id === 'edit-your-post-type' || $current_screen->id === 'your-post-type') {
        wp_enqueue_style('my-custom-admin-styles', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/css/admin-styles.css');
        wp_enqueue_script('magnific-popup-js', '', array('jquery'), '1.1.0', true);
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_custom_admin_styles');

Breaking It Down:

  1. Function Creation: We start by defining a function, my_custom_admin_styles, which serves as our customization’s foundation.
  2. Screen Identification: The get_current_screen() function helps us pinpoint where we are in the admin area, allowing our changes to apply only where needed.
  3. Conditional Styling: The if statement checks the screen ID, ensuring our styles and scripts only load on relevant pages. You’ll replace 'edit-your-post-type' and 'your-post-type' with the IDs of your desired screens.
  4. Applying Custom Styles: With wp_enqueue_style, we introduce our own CSS to the admin area, stored in admin-styles.css.
  5. Adding Interactive Elements: wp_enqueue_script brings the Magnific Popup library into play, adding sleek popups to enhance the admin interface.
  6. Hooking It All Up: The add_action call attaches our function to WordPress’s admin_enqueue_scripts action, ensuring our customizations load at the right time.

Why Bother with Custom Admin Styles?

Tailoring the WordPress admin area can significantly improve your workflow and that of your clients. It’s about creating a space that’s not just about getting things done but enjoying the process. With custom styles and interactive elements, the admin area becomes more than just a backend—it becomes a creative space that reflects the essence of your content.


What exactly does custom styling in WordPress entail?

Custom styling involves adding your own CSS and JavaScript to the WordPress admin area, allowing you to change its look and feel.

Is it difficult to apply these customizations?

Not at all! With basic PHP and WordPress knowledge, you can implement these changes quickly. The provided code snippet is a great starting point.

Will these changes affect my site’s frontend?

No, these customizations are specific to the admin area and won’t impact your site’s public-facing appearance.

Can I use this approach for any admin screen?

Absolutely! While the example targets custom post types, you can modify it for any admin screen by changing the screen IDs in the conditional statement.

Where can I learn more about customizing WordPress?

The WordPress Developer Handbook is a treasure trove of information for all things WordPress, including admin customizations.

Are there any risks to customizing the admin area?

While there’s minimal risk, it’s always best to test your changes on a staging site first and ensure you have recent backups.

Can I revert the customizations if needed?

Yes, removing or commenting out the code snippet will revert the admin area to its default state.

With this guide, you’re well on your way to transforming the WordPress admin into a more personalized and engaging workspace. Enjoy the process of making the admin area your own! Learn more about WordPress!